200Grs. deals with notions of scale and genuineness in order to produce unique pieces serving a multitude of miscellaneous functions. These notions along with a calculated balance of handwork and machinery, produce objects with an inherent sense of authenticity that is fully explored once the pieces reach their end users.

Fitting into a larger discourse of thought that has been present in both of the creators work, 200Grs. showcases functional, candid and sober architectural items all while dealing with concepts of materiality, elasticity, tension and balance.

Accordingly, 200Grs. embodies a discourse of dialogue between its creators and its end users, allowing each object to create unique ergonomic and emotional relationships with its future owner.

What distinguishes 200Grs. is the way we appropriate a ready-made, in the same manner, as we tend to give a different life to a very commonly used object.




